
Why Not?

Rights are like muscles. Stop using them and they go away.

If 2020 onward hasn’t shown you that, you are blind by choice.

A ramp along a curved wall in the Kiasma Museu, Helsinki, Finland


What is this? What are we doing here?

Back in the days of the Pandy, rationality was found in the form of comedy (YMH at the time), and a good doctor somehow in that world. It was like the secret underground, since censorship was and is alive and well. We secretly gathered online, from lockdown states, and unlocked states. Some even from other countries. Local speakeasy cigar smokers events were a thing. This is how The Rational Revolution was formed.

Many have since returned to their normal lives. Some did not make it (not from covid, btw). Some went insane. Some fell to substances. And some never lost focus. We choose to NOT forget 2020 onward. No amnesty. Justice would be nice. Accountability perhaps. We lost good people.

If you believe things like chicks don’t have dicks, tax is theft, government overreach sucks, your doctor should be allowed to doctor you, big war sucks, etc., maybe you’re already a member.

To become a member of The Rational Revolution, you must make rational decisions. When faced with an irrational person, stay rational. Watch opposers spin out in that circular motion we’re accustomed to seeing. Realize the words they say can’t affect you. It’s like when a toddler is screaming. It’s nothing personal. They are repeating their marching orders, there is no actual original thought. The rational deal in the truth. The singular truth that exists independently of all of us.